Tuesday, September 9, 2008

JustJava and JBoss Brasil

Hello everyone!

I have great news from Brazil. First, I'm going to do two talks at JustJava, the largest Brazilian Java event.
The title of the first talk is "Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programing and Adaptable Systems", and it will be held tomorrow at 16:00h. The second one will take place on Friday, 12th and has the title "Designing a JavaEE Server with IoC and AOP - A Study Case".
If you are attending to JustJava this year, go check out my presentations and let me know what you think of those subjects.

The second news is that Edgar Silva has founded a Brazilian JBUG, the JBoss Brasil. I've added an internal group dedicated to JBoss AOP project exclusively. I you are Brazilian or at least speaks Portuguese, feel free to join our group. For those that don't speak Portuguese, you are always welcome to join our forums and feel free to contact us in case you want to get involved in JBoss AOP project.

See you around!

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